Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Fitness Trainer Course - Free Essay Example
The two types of training I am going to discuss today are aerobic, and anaerobic. It is important to know the difference between these two types of training.The first type isaerobic whichoccurswith the use of oxygen, or requiring oxygen (Hatfield, 2018, p. 108). The second one is anaerobic which is the opposite of aerobic and it occurs without the use of oxygen (Hatfield, 2018, p. 109). When you are performing an exercise it is either aerobic, or anaerobic training your body is experiencing. Your cardiovascular system is at work during aerobic exercises as this typically involvesexercises on atreadmill, stepper, or a bike (Hatfield, 2018, p. 108). When you are at a steady pace the slow twitch muscle fibers in the bodycome into play during the aerobic exercises. This is a contrast to the response to anaerobic training as this type of training greatly increases the bodys functional capacity for development of explosive strength and maximization of short-term energy systems (Hatfield , 2018, p. 109). This is when the fast twitch muscle fibers come into play. The heart rate during these two types of training have similarities as they both average fora conditioned person of 60 bpm or less (Hatfield, 2018, p. 49). If you fall into the deconditioned category with no exercise you may havea resting heart rate of about 80 bpm or more (Hatfield, 2018, p. 49). The adaptations the body undergoes over time for aerobic training include an increase in the size and number of mitochondria and greater myoglobin content, the aerobic capacity of the muscle tissue is then enhanced (Hatfield, 2018, p. 108). So when this occurs the muscles fibers are able to boost the fat burning capabilities (Hatfield, 2018, p. 108). When you look at the adaptations of anaerobic exercises you can see how the fast-twitch muscle fibers begin to grow in their size and an increased tolerance to higher levels of blood lactate, increase in enzymes of glucose breakdown and an increase in muscle resting levels of ATP, CP, creatine, and glycogen content (Hatfield, 2018, p. 109). As a future personal trainer it will be important to have an understanding of aerobic, and anaerobic training for my clients. I will help educate them on the differences andutilize the formula that is presented on page 49 of the text between a conditioned person, and a deconditioned person. This helped me get a more accurate idea of where I was when I started my training years ago as it made me see the extra work my heart was beating as a deconditioned person. I will help my clients see that the two types of training go more hand and hand as you can incorporate exercises that fulfill both types and get the results you desire. I will explain the health benefits of how your cardiovascular system is strengthened with these training types. Aerobic exercises can help relieve stress, lower the risk of heart disease, slow the aging process, improve the quality of sleep, and improve mental sharpness (Hatfield, 2 018, p. 304). I will also educate my clients on the effects of overtraining and how you must listen to your body when you are exercising. My trainer I had would make me stop even when I wanted to keep on going as she felt that I was pushing myself way too hard during anaerobic strength training. I was pushing a sled with a lot of weight on it, and my foot slipped at one point. I wanted to keep going, but my trainer could see that I was exhausted and I wasnt listening to my body. So it is important to listen to your trainer as we are the ones who are supposed to look for signs like this to help keep our clients accountable as well. I found it was so easy to focus while in the training zone that I would ignore the fatigue I was feeling.
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